Personal Development for Kids | Useful Tips and Strategies

Here are fun and engaging approaches to personal development for kids, to help spark a love for self-improvement at an early age. 

Personal Development for Kids

Getting kids involved in personal development enables them to lay a solid foundation for the events and decisions they will encounter as they grow up. Let’s discuss the importance of personal development for kids and ways that parents can help their children develop vital life skills. 

An Overview: Personal Development for Kids 

Personal development is an umbrella term that refers to self-directed efforts that help kids learn, grow, and improve. Through personal development activities and their own example, parents can help their kids to appreciate the idea that anything worth having is worth working towards - which includes becoming a better, well-rounded person.

A focus on personal development encourages kids to think about the future while appreciating the present moment. It helps them get a better grasp of how adults contribute to society and ways that they can develop their own skills and knowledge as they grow. 

Personal development activities for kids will vary depending on the child’s age and individual needs. However, the end goal is always to help the child find joy and fulfillment in the process of self-improvement. 

Why an Active Approach?

It’s important that parents don’t leave their child’s growth and development to chance. Personal development for both kids and adults inherently involves an active approach to cultivating life skills, on the premise that good habits are not passed through genetics or osmosis.

Moreover, parents can appreciate the fact that if they don’t make time to train and teach their kids, other influences will get in there first. The media, school, and peers, sometimes promote ideas that can distort a child’s view on what really matters most in life. Parental guidance is vital for counteracting negative influences and preparing a child for success in the real world. 

With this in mind, let’s consider some key topics in personal development for kids

Positive Mindset 

Cultivating an optimistic outlook on life is an essential element of personal development for kids. A positive mindset transcends into every other area of life and gives children the ability to cope more easily with obstacles they might encounter. A positive mindset is associated with self-efficacy, a quality that can motivate kids to pursue various opportunities and leave no stone unturned.

Personal Responsibility 

A positive mindset and sense of personal responsibility are a perfect pairing. Parents should encourage their kids to develop the attitude that “The future can be better than the present, and I have the power to make it so.” Kids should understand the value of hard work, and perseverance and dedicating oneself to assignments.

Personal responsibility is a skill that can be taught through age-appropriate chores and providing opportunities to contribute. Kids should also learn to appreciate the fact that actions have consequences. Parents can lovingly teach their children how to fix situations where their actions may have had unintended consequences. 

Love of Learning 

A love of learning can motivate kids to take the initiative in their personal development journey. Parents can help instill a love for reading by introducing their kids to material on a range of topics, both for education and entertainment.

Kids should be encouraged to ask questions and explore issues from multiple perspectives. Kids who love to learn are more likely to persevere in solving problems, perform well at school, and independently develop new skills.

Related: 7 Best Personal Development Books for Kids

Goal Setting 

To reach their full potential, kids need to learn how to set goals. Learning how to plan for the future is an important skill that can help kids stay motivated. Parents can work with their kids to brainstorm possible goals that they would like to achieve. Then kids can be shown how to write down specific action steps and a timetable for accomplishing each goal.

When children learn to be goal-oriented, they learn to take responsibility for their personal development and align their actions with their goals. Moreover, they experience and grow to love the sense of fulfillment that comes with achieving a goal.

Personality Development 

Personality development is an area of personal development that refers to refining one’s temperament, character, and behaviours. Parents strive to help their children develop a kind, honest and respectful personality, while encouraging the child to express their own individuality and sense of identity. 

Helping your child build self-esteem is a vital part of personality development. Parents can help kids build self-esteem and confidence by genuinely commending them for their efforts and good qualities. Parents should avoid name calling and labelling their kids, even while correcting a child’s mistakes. 

Etiquette is another important part of personality development. Kids should learn the importance of showing appreciation for what others do for them, by saying please and thank you. They should learn to respect people of all ages and backgrounds, and show consideration for the feelings of others.

Kids should also learn to apologize when they hurt others. When parents kindly explain the importance of being polite, it can motivate kids to take the initiative in helping others.

Sports and games are great personality development activities that can help kids make friends, become better team players, and improve their self-confidence. These activities provide kids with opportunities for social interaction and learning that just can’t be experienced while watching or playing on a device. 

Kids should learn to learn that it’s okay to be different from others. They should learn to express their feelings and emotions in a healthy way, through open communication and creative activities like journaling.

It’s important that parents allow kids to be themselves, rather than just being an image of mum or dad. Kids learn to be confident in themselves when they are encouraged to make friends and connect with the world in their own way.

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Have Conversations That Help Kids Grow

Sparking bigger conversations with young ones can help them grow and enhance their thinking skills. When kids spend quality time conversing with their parents and other adults, they mature socially and develop good conversation skills.

The Little Talk Deck by BestSelf is a pack of 150 prompt cards designed to help kids cultivate self-expression and develop emotional intelligence. It can be a fun way for parents and kids to go beyond low-level small talk and discuss a wide range of topics, including fears, opinions and plans for the future.

Kids often enjoy sharing their thoughts when prompted, and this activity can help them feel more comfortable and confident expressing themselves.

5 Effective Learning Strategies for Kids 

Here are some some excellent personal development strategies that are effective in teaching kids: 

1. Visualization 

Kids have vivid imaginations, so visualization is a teaching tool that can really resonate with them. You can use visualization to bring dull academic concepts to life, by using photos and videos to illustrate an idea. You can also encourage kids to visualize their goals and the step-by-step process they would use to achieve them.

When a child can see and imagine possibilities, they can create solutions. Kids can also be encouraged to imagine pictures and scenarios that can help them remember facts when preparing for a test. Bringing abstract ideas to life can help kids fully comprehend a subject matter.

2. Inquiry-Based Learning 

Inquiring based-learning is an approach that triggers a child’s curiosity and puts their questions, ideas and observations at the centre of the learning experience. Rather than telling the child what they need to know, students are encouraged to investigate and discover the answer themselves.

For example, if you wanted to teach a concept in science, you could ask a question like: How do force and mass work together to create acceleration? You could then ask your child to design investigation methods that they could use to arrive at the answer.

Allow your child to experiment with this concept by providing objects they could compare as they exert force, e.g. a balloon and a basketball. Inviting kids to reason on thought-provoking questions can help them to become more independent learners. 

3. Modeling 

The “I do, We do, You do” technique is a great way to teach kids a new skill. First, you can show a child how to do something just as a math problem or household chore. Next, do the activity with a child to give them another opportunity to learn. Then get the child to do the activity on their own.

This is a good way to gradually build a child’s confidence in their ability to successfully complete a task. Modelling enables you to provide support during each phase, while allowing you to observe when a child understands a concept well enough to work on their own.

4. Crossover Learning 

Crossover learning refers to learning that bridges formal and informal learning environments. Learning in informal settings, such as museums and parks, can help kids link educational subjects with real-life experiences. Moreover, informal learning is a way to deepen and expand classroom knowledge.

When kids go on trips and participate in activities such as collecting photos, listening to a tour guide, and taking down notes, it can help them enjoy their learning and see it as fun, not work. Being able to learn outside of formal schooling also introduces kids to a variety of topics and subjects, which can enrich textbook knowledge with personal experience.

5. Embodied Learning 

Kids learn faster and retain more information when they are actively involved in educational projects. Embodied learning is based on activities that connect the mind and body so that physical feedback and actions reinforce the learning process. Incorporating activities such as gym, drama, art and music into learning can engage kids and help them make more meaningful connections with the subject material.

Learning stations can be set up at home or in the classroom to allow kids to complete an activity at one station, and then get up and move to another station to complete another activity. Other fun activities can include making puppets and presenting puppet shows, acting out stories and miming, playing scrabble and other board games, and hands-on science experiments. 

Personal Development Activities for Kids

Final Thoughts 

From a young age, you can teach your kids to enjoy the ongoing process of personal development. By encouraging your child to set goals, take personal responsibility, and embrace a positive mindset, you’ll be arming them with the tools they need to successfully handle life’s ups and downs.

Through personality development and implementing various learning strategies, you can help your child explore the world independently and grow their knowledge. Kids learn by example, and as they observe your love for personal development, they’ll be motivated to learn and improve themselves too.


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