Looking for some wednesday wisdom to brighten up your week? Here is a collection of inspirational thoughts and quotes that are perfect for #wednesdaywisdom.
Wednesday Wisdom is a concept I first discovered on Twitter a few years ago, and I think it's an awesome initiative for both community building and personal reflection.
Therefore, I decided to create this page as a round-up of my favourite #wednesdaywisdom style quotes and thought-provoking, inspirational messages.
Life can get so busy sometimes, but Wednesday is a good time to check back in on your goals and remind yourself of why you're doing it all in the first place.
I recommend that you share this page on social media, and bookmark it for reference at a future date.
This way, the useful ideas below will not only get you "over the hump" towards the weekend - they'll also continue to motivate you for weeks, months, and even years to come!
A couple of years ago, I tweeted this interesting quote by Zig Ziglar, using the Wednesday Wisdom hashtag.
I appreciate the truth of the statement now more than ever.
It's absolutely true - if you want to increase your earnings, whether you're a business owner, a freelancer, or an employee at a company - you have to go the extra mile in your efforts.
It's important to realize that you ultimately get rewarded for the value you create in the world - not the hours you clock in at your place of work.
Therefore, you should be willing to roll your sleeves up and do the work that most other people would avoid. This is what will set you apart.
Remember: At the end of the day, average effort produces average results.
This is a comforting reminder to make peace with the things you can't control in life.
I love the metaphor of our experiences in life being like chapters in a book. Some parts you will love, other parts not so much.
Yet, the story must go on.
If you're going through a difficult time right now, this message can reassure you that "this too shall pass", so keep going.
I found the idea that "you will have moments when you don't want the pages to end" particularly moving, because nostalgia is a strong emotion that we all experience.
But you have to keep turning the pages.
Stories keep the world revolving. Live yours, don't miss out.
If you've been following me for a while, then you've likely seen this quote on the blog multiple times.
I'm a big fan of the concept of lifestyle design and taking control of your own life. If you choose to just follow the status quo by doing what seems easy, then you are sadly leaving your future to chance.
That's why I've made a free personal development plan template available on this website, to help you identify and work towards goals that are meaningful for you.
Don't fall into someone else's plan. Create your own.
What a profound statement to add to our collection of Wednesday Wisdom.
Love is art...
...That makes sense right? For one thing, it explains why humans in general are so in love with the idea of love.
Loving people - whether it's your friends, family, or in romantic sense - always seems to be a risk. You can never be sure what the final outcome will be; what the painting will look like at the end.
The comparison of love to art is also fitting when we think about how vulnerable loving someone can be, just like a painter who shows his or her artwork to the world for the first time. It takes courage.
Sometimes we might even feel regret, when we love someone who doesn't love us back. This is another part of the artistic process, known as rejection.
Yet, I truly believe that loving someone is never a waste of time.
At the very least, it leaves you with important lessons to take into your next artistic endeavour.
So pick yourself up, pick up your paintbrush, and get to work.
This is one of my favourite quotes of all time.
It totally flips the switch in terms of the way you view your potential.
Too often, we limit ourselves by thinking that we can't achieve something just because we don't know many people who have. This is faulty thinking, because there always has to be a first.
The game completely changes when you make a list of all the reasons you can be successful - even in the top 1%.
Your energy is best spent in execution mode, not in a cycle of doubt.
Sometimes the best solutions in life are the most simple ones. A good reminder for us all.
Related: 10 Life-Changing Stress Management Books
Here's a Wednesday Wisdom entry on the topic of wisdom itself.
Thinking that you know everything is a trap. It's better to remain humble like a child and approach learning opportunities like you know nothing at all.
A person who learns to calculate the depths of his or her ignorance, also learns to find ways to fill in the gaps. This can include taking personal development courses, reading relevant books, and studying the lives of successful people.
The less you think you know, the more you allow yourself to grow.
The quote by Desmond Tutu offers some very practical advice for living in today's noisy world.
Many times you will come across people who don't believe in you, or people who will want to try and intimidate you with force. But you don't need to fight back.
Let your words do the talking.
Be so good they can't ignore you.
Because let's be real, the best response you can ever give to someone who doesn't believe in you...
...is doing the exact thing they said you can't do.
Do you ever feel like you're going round and round in circles, but not actually getting anything done?
As most of us would admit, it's easy to be "busy" without actually being productive. Yet the truth is, to find success in any area in life: you have to stay focused on one thing at a time.
Just imagine how incredibly powerful the sun rays are - yet they do not burn until brought to a focus.
Sometimes our focus gets scattered when we become doubtful of our abilities. We look for multiple things to work on in case one thing falls through.
But you know what happens when those doubts creep in?
It leads to confirmation bias, and a self-fulfilling prophecy.
Because when you fail to commit, to dedicate yourself to the thing you want most, then you're not able to harness the power of the compound effect - one of the most powerful forces in the universe.
If you ever find yourself mentally distracted from your goal because you're still secretly doubtful of your potential - look back at point #5.
Then make a promise to yourself to commit and concentrate all your thoughts upon the work at hand. Even if you hit a roadblock, your commitment will ensure that you find a way around.
Mark down today's date.
If you just stay focused, you'll be amazed where you are one year from now.
Let's end with these final words of Wednesday Wisdom: life goes on.
It really does.
So be assured that you'll get through whatever battle you're struggling with now, and hopefully look back and laugh at it one day.
In the same vein, never be afraid to take a risk that matters to you, because one day or all the fear and embarrassment you feel now will become irrelevant...
...and life will continue to go on.
Thanks for reading. Share your favourite quote or piece of #WednesdayWisdom down in the comments below!
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