Is your friend toxic?
What’s the difference between a healthy friendship and a toxic one?
This article is about spotting toxic friends and how to see if you are trapped in a toxic friendship.
When friendship is good, it’s really great – but if it goes bad, it can go really bad. Many victims of toxic friendships stay so for a long time, because they can’t really tell the difference between a healthy and toxic friendship.
They just accept their friend’s awful way of being a friend even if it causes them to experience an onslaught of negative feelings and emotions.
So today we will be looking at the Signs of a Toxic Friendship and how it can have such a draining effect on a person.
*Disclaimer* In this article we aren’t talking about friendship in a normal situation, every friendship has its ups and downs, but when we talk about toxic friendships it becomes more serious and is identified by a combination of the ‘symptoms’ below.
One sign of a toxic friendship is when a friend is obsessed with themselves, and often leaves you out of discussion.
This is not even about being a chatterbox, it’s when their only interest is themselves and they can hardly be bothered about what you may have to say.
The next sign of toxic friends is when they are always making fun of your decisions, of point of view, etc. almost as if your whole life is a joke.
This sort of friendship is otherwise known as bullying.
I mean, true friends can tell you how distasteful your outfit is in a non-offensive way. Toxic friends make it a pattern to do it in a way that crushes your self-esteem.
Another characteristic with toxic friends is that they spend most of their time being negative.
You really know you’ve got a toxic friend when something happens to both of you - and your friend’s version of events is so grossly exaggerated- to make everyone seem cruel, while they look innocent.
After a while a toxic friendship can become physically draining/tiring.
If you are always bombarded with negative thoughts you may unconsciously absorb them, and this will leave you feeling mentally exhausted.
Friendship’s meant to be fun and exhilarating, it’s not supposed to make you feel like your friend’s hopeless slave.
Yup. The kind of friend that only calls when they need something from you.
Needing you isn’t necessarily the problem – it’s the fact that they would prefer your relationship to be a one-way stream. Getting all, but giving none.
The next sign of toxic friends is when they lie about you and say absolutely horrible things behind your back. To the point where it’s actually vicious slander.
The thing is, people who spread lies about you, are not your friends. Simple. And toxic people will always do this in the hopes that others won’t find you so attractive.
Another trait of toxic friends is that they will turn everything into a competition and get moody when you seem to do better.
You achieve something that you are proud of, then they try to outdo you, mainly to rub it in your face.
Toxic friends use you when they need to – then run away fast.
It’s really sad when this happens, because it so obvious that the friendship is non-existent and that you are just a ‘fill in’ for whoever they will be rushing too next. Not right, and not fair.
The last type of toxic friend that we will be looking at is the friend who is a bad influence on you.
A friend shouldn’t make you feel uncomfortable and unsafe, so it’s best for you to take step away from this sort of person.
Do any of these signs sound familiar? Maybe its time to reassess your friendship (& end it), or tell your friend how you feel about what’s going on. The relationships we have with others play an important role in good health and sanity!
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