Why Self-Efficacy and Positive Thinking Are Important 

You're familiar with positive thinking? How about the concept of self-efficacy? Let's talk about why self-efficacy and positive thinking are important. It's time to regain control and see how these invaluable mindset tools can change your life this year.

Why Self-Efficacy and Positive Thinking Are Important

How are you going to set yourself up for success this year? Let me give you two mindset tools that will help. Self-efficacy and positive thinking. Self-efficacy is defined as an individual's belief in his or her ability to do something, to achieve his/her goals.

It's super closely related to the larger concept of positive thinking which is a mental attitude in which a person views current and future situations in a good and favourable light. Let's talk about why these two things are so important:

There's No Success Without Them 

It's virtually impossible to find success if you don't believe you can and will be successful.

I like this quote by Norman Vincent Peale: 

"Believe in yourself! Have faith in your abilities! Without a humble but reasonable confidence in your own powers you cannot be successful or happy. 

How nicely put. Your perspective affects everything else. So it's vital that you have a confident but humble outlook in regards to the potential results of your hard work.

You should have the faith that if you put in the work by working hard and smart - you will get the results you desire. Without this fundamental base - you won't stay motivated because the destination is not clear and tangible in your mind.

You Owe It To Yourself

I'm sorry, but you cannot rely on other people believing in you.

While there may be a few ever-loyal fans, the majority of people will likely disappoint you in this respect.

Believe in yourself please. We meet with a lot of external criticism and doubt in our daily lives, and so it's very important to maintain a healthy mindset, making sure that you're not rejecting yourself.

Some people will express doubt in you because they can't do it themselves, but at the end of the day, if you're putting in the work, who's to tell you what you can or cannot achieve. 

Here's another quote I like: 

"You need to believe in yourself and what you do. Be tenacious and genuine." - Christian Louboutin

Be zealous in the execution of your craft. Own what you do. Self-efficacy and positive thinking are the secret ingredients to becoming really good at what you do. Don't you associate people who have positive outlooks with success? 

The more you believe in yourself and view the future with optimism, the more you are able to convince others to believe in your ideas and have confidence in you. People with positive mindsets and high self-efficacy are able to effectively pitch their proposals and get the results they want.

Things Can Change So Quickly

Another reason why you must think positively and believe in yourself is that things can change so quickly. 

Keep optimistic and see each new day as a clean slate with new opportunities and rewards. 

Don't judge what can happen this year based on what happened last year. You are not limited by that. Be open-minded in thought and action.

Keep trying with the attitude that things can change for the better. Have good expectations and remember that people hit gold through perseverance and persistence. It might take a while to reach your goal, but never stop believing it will happen eventually. 

Pair self-efficacy and positive thinking together and you've created the fertile soil on which to plant hard work and then reap bountiful rewards!

Related: What is the Expectancy Theory of Motivation?

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