Big Announcement | Launching My Marketing Udemy Course

I'm excited to share with you a project I've been working on for a few months now, an online course. My marketing Udemy course was published yesterday at long last, and I'd love for you to enrol in it and leave a review if you can!

Must-Know Marketing Fundamentals For Business Success Udemy Course

*Special discount: I'm sharing a 75% off coupon at the bottom of the page for coupon for readers of this website to enroll in the course. Don't miss out on it!*

This whole process started at the beginning of the year. I set the idea in my mind that I wanted to make a Udemy course, and it just stuck. It's been a slow and sometimes unsteady process, but I was able to finally publish it yesterday.

It's a breath of fresh air to have got to this point. Marketing is a subject I'm really passionate about. Being a blogger, digital marketing is something I've always committed to finding out about, doing the research and enjoying it. And in this past year, I've immersed myself even more fully, taking classes in marketing. 

For the last few months, pouring myself into creating this online course was very rewarding, although sometimes exhausting. There's nothing quite like getting to the end of a project you've been working on for months, realising that there is in fact nothing left to do. Nothing left to do after all those weeks of go-go-go. 

The course I've created is a comprehensive guide on marketing fundamentals. It covers everything from the marketing environment, to market research, to branding and customer relationship management. You can find it on Udemy here.

Do you have a Udemy account? It's free to sign up. I like Udemy because I can do courses related to my interests at a pace that's comfortable for me. Once you're enrolled, you can work away at learning a new skill.

We're almost at the start of 2019, and it's a great time to learn a new skill. My course is for those curious about the world of marketing and those who see its value in the world around us.

Marketing expertise is a top skill to have. Not only is it essential for growing a successful business, it is extremely useful in everyday interactions. It helps you understand how people think and behave, what motivates people. That's why one of my favourite sections in the course to create was the section on Consumer Behaviour. That section is an mix of insights from both marketing and psychology, that help us understand why consumers behave the way they do - it prepares you for what to expect. 

When I first started making the outline for my course I felt very overwhelmed about how much work would be involved. I really struggled even starting, because there's was so much to do that I didn't know how to tackle it. I would start planning but then go for weeks without even touching my course because it was a lot to figure out. But then I committed, and tried to take each logical step forward. One step at a time, moving slowly and making some progress each time. 

It became a lot easier once I got over that initial stage. Once you get the ball rolling, it becomes a lot easier to see the whole picture. And now the course is live, I'm so excited to share with you all the project I was working on for the greater portion of this year, from the moment the idea was planted in my mind at the right at the beginning of the year, to when I actually got started with the work.

It was even a challenge balancing working on the project with posting here on the blog, especially this last month.

I'd love if you could take my course and leave a review. If you already use Udemy, you know how it works, but it's quite simple anyway.

Here's the link to my course. Use the coupon 'WEBSITE' when you checkout for 75% off!

Also, if you already have an account, I'd like to know: What courses are you currently taking on Udemy? What skills do you want to learn in 2019? Comment below. 

Thanks so much for your support!

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