"It's kind of fun to do the impossible" is a memorable quote by legendary animator and entrepreneur Walt Disney. Let's discuss what this quote means.
When most people think about Disney, they think of fairy tales, family fun, and massive success.
But Walt Disney's journey to success wasn't all that easy. On the contrary, he learned quite a few lessons about failure.
Yet, looking back on everything, he gratefully expressed the words that are the topic of this article: "It's kind of fun to do the impossible."
Let's take a deeper look at the meaning of this quote and how we can apply it in our lives.
In the early 1920s, Disney launched his first cartoon business, Laugh-O-Gram Studios, which went bankrupt within just a couple of years.
Afterwards, Disney took off to Los Angeles to try his hand at acting, but that didn't work out either.
In 1927, he created the character Oswald the Lucky Rabbit, which became a big hit and his first major success.
However, things quickly went downhill when Disney lost the rights to the character in a contract dispute with Universal Pictures.
In 1928, after years of trial and error, Disney created his most famous cartoon character, Mickey Mouse, which was rejected by over 300 bankers until one said yes.
During this arduous journey, Disney racked up over $4 million dollars in debt and even experienced a nervous breakdown.
Eventually though, Disneyland became a colossal success, clearing out his financial debts and becoming an integral part of his business empire.
Today The Walt Disney Company is one of the most recognized brands in the entertainment industry, and is among the largest companies in the world by market capitalization.
The secret behind this happily ever after story?
Disney kept working hard on what may have seemed impossible, and in doing so he achieved his wildest dreams.
Most of the time, when you do something that seems impossible, the fun and glory isn't in proving others wrong - it's in proving yourself right.
We all constantly deal with fears and doubts that try to hold us back from achieving our full potential. These fears and doubts may grow when people keep telling us "no" or we experience a series of failures.
But you only fail when you stop trying, so if you keep trying long enough like Walt Disney did...you just might achieve the impossible.
Once you experience a taste of success, you crave for more.
You build the confidence and determination to go after more of your dreams - to knock them out of the park, one by one.
It's kind of fun to do the impossible, because when you do, no one can ever hold you back again.
In fact, the future looks brighter than ever before.
Even if those doubts and fears try to creep back in, the silent sound of your proven success scares them away.
But you can't rest on your laurels, you must keep moving, working and innovating to create the future you envision.
Whenever I feel overwhelmed by the busyness of life, I always remind myself to stop and smell the roses.
Despite the crazy world we live in, life is beautiful.
You can always pick something out of each day to admire and appreciate. If you're an entrepreneur or creative that's struggling right now, try to focus on the beauty of your situation.
Even if you're not where you want to be, you may be living out the most extraordinary part of your life without even knowing it.
Think about it: everything you'll ever have in the future is based on what you do today. So give your present self some credit.
Make sure you enjoy the journey as much as the destination.
We adore people who succeed in doing the impossible. We talk about them, explore their biographies, and try to follow in their footsteps.
We are inspired by these types of people - whether they are local or world-renowned - because they show us that we can push through our challenges and succeed too, against all odds.
It's kind of fun to do the impossible, because through your legacy, you can make the world a better place.
Even if you only change one person's life.
Thanks for reading this post.
Is there something that currently feels impossible for you to achieve?
Although the thought of failure might seem unbearable, remember that it's usually more bearable than the pain of regret.
When commenting on the advantages of failure, Disney once said:
"All the adversity I’ve had in my life, all the troubles and obstacles, have strengthened me. You may not realize it when it happens, but a kick in the teeth may be the best thing in the world for you."
There is so much we can learn from Walt Disney's story. But there comes a time when we must go back to writing our own.
To your success,
Roli Edema
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