The topic for discussion today is: going the extra mile. It is a phrase that is used quite often. But what does it mean? How does it affect your life and your level of success? Well, there are so many ways to apply the principle of going the extra mile, and that is what we are going to be talking about.
Going the extra mile is a step that brings satisfaction and self-confidence. But what exactly does it mean?
Many times we just cannot be bothered to do certain things and if we finally end up doing them we do the bare minimum.
Going the extra mile is an action that you will only see in the strong. You will only find this kind of effort in those who have strength of character and are willing to fight to get where they want. What do we mean when we say fight?
We do not mean violence or physical confrontation with others. It means fighting weak human tendencies and thoughts that can stop us working hard. The weakness in ourselves. Our own inner enemy which stops us from trying harder.
Going the extra mile means cutting the excuses because we know that action is what is most needed, not excuses. And boy is it difficult to go the extra mile sometimes. But the more you put yourself out of your comfort zone, the more you being to realize that you can go much farther than you ever expected of yourself.
Going the extra mile creates the image of a runner who is training. They know that to do well they cannot just take the easy route. They have to exceed their current achievements and build up the stamina they need for their big race.
So they do not just stop half-way. No, they go the extra mile. They push themselves more.
Why do so many people do just what they need to get by in life rather than go the extra mile?
What are some practical ways that we can go the extra mile? Let's look at a few key ares:
Going the extra mile plays a huge, huge role in our interpersonal relationships and that is why I wanted to talk about it first.
Going the extra mile when settling personal differences means taking the initiative, doing more than we have to, or even bringing ourselves to do what we think the other personal should be doing.
Going the extra mile can mean apologizing first- even if we feel that the other person is at fault. It means taking steps to create peace even if we feel that we have been hurt, or that we are the innocent one.
Yes, going the extra mile is a display of maturity. When we go the extra mile, we go beyond childish reactions and blame game, because we know that in the long run going the extra mile will bring us back to our friends.
We can even apply going the extra mile if we are the one in the wrong. Maybe we have already apologized but we have not been forgiven. But instead of just taking off and feeling self pity, the one who goes the extra mile does even more to facilitate that reconciliation.
This might mean continuous effort, and showing that we really are sorry by extra gestures, like sending a card of flowers, or visiting the person to explain. Then that way we know we have done all we can to bring peace. And the one who goes the extra mile will have a clear conscience. Moreover, they will most likely receive the results they had been striving for.
It you are going to do something it is best to do it properly, otherwise you are really just wasting your own time.
Going the extra mile at school will increase the amount of respect you get from your teachers, who will see that you are trying hard. It will make you fulfilled and the outstanding grades that come with going the extra mile will surely put a smile on your face.
You can go the extra mile by doing a school task to the best of your ability, even if it means going out of your comfort zone to do it well and on time.
Going the extra mile at work will also help you to please your employer, who will likely appreciate your hard efforts.
Good customer service is also about going the extra mile, not just doing what is required or expected, but doing even more to foster good relationships.
Going the extra mile will be noticed but it is not just for others, but for yourself too.
Sometimes the little personal touches that a person does ( in the workplace, in school or for the customer )mean the most.
Have you ever though about it this way : It is a privilege to be able to do and give more than what people expect of us? Constantly exercise that privilege.
I hope you enjoy reading my thoughts on going the extra mile, and instances where it can be applied in our daily lives. I hope you have seen how going the extra mile is an amazing attitude to have even though it takes effort and determination.
Image 1 Attribution - Photographer familymwr
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