Fresh Fruit For Breakfast

Hi Guys!

So I wanted to share with you my new-found love of having fresh fruit for breakfast. Having fresh fruit for breakfast is such a light healthy option that will leave you feeling nourished and ready to face the day.  Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and personally my favorite so I like to put a bit of effort into discovering new healthy ideas.

fresh fruit for breakfast

Here are some of my ideas of how you can have fresh fruit for breakfast:

Brilliant Blueberry Breakfasting

My Bowl of Blueberries

Blueberries are a wonderful little breakfast snack. Many people just love to put a handful of blueberries in a bowl and munch on them in the morning. Blueberries are sweet and soft, although I had not always been a fan of blueberries, recently I have just been loving them.

The way they smoothly melt in your mouth is wonderful and they are a great source of natural sugar for those with a sweet tooth early in the morning. Another brilliant way to enjoy blueberries is by adding them to cereal. Blueberries and granola is another great breakfast treat.

I have cereal like special K with milk and add then a handful of blueberries over the top for a yummy breakfast. Oatmeal with added blueberries is a popular way of incorporating fresh fruit into cereal.

To add an extra touch of sweetness many people like to add a drizzle of honey. Perfection.

Forget about those sugar-packed cereals which do you little good, when you can enjoy an abundance of delicious natural and healthy flavours in your breakfast. Fresh fruit for breakfast is also sure to be a hit with the kids. I mean who doesn't love a colourful, sweet and fresh breakfast plate?

Pancakes and Strawberries Please :)

Ok, so now to another beautiful breakfast idea incorporating fresh fruit: Pancakes and strawberries.  To be honest you can use blueberries again here, as with most fruity breakfast combos, but I find that strawberries are my favorite to have alongside some crispy pancakes.

So I like to have some mini pancakes all piled up,( they are really easy to make and you'll find tons of recipes online). Then I decorate my breakfast dish with some sliced up strawberries and arrange them all over the pancakes.

Then depending how I am feeling, I either add a dollop of nutella <3 or some fresh cream over the top, or maybe even some maple syrip. And there you go… a breakfast idea that attracts immediately. Then I usually make myself a hot chocolate on the side and I'm good to go!

Fresh Fruit for Breakfast alone

Fresh fruit  alone is also very nice, when you just cut and peel some and put them on a plate with nothing added.

Some days, you just feel like eating fruit and having a detox sort of diet to cleanse yourself of all the junk you may have eaten the day before. If you find yourself in such a situation, it really is so easy to come up with breakfast that will leave you feeling satisfied and smiley.

A couple of days ago my breakfast was all fruits ( and the occasional vegetable) with a drink of freshly squeezed orange juice and it was just wonderful and surprisingly filling.

You literally can just go for it when it comes to fresh fruit: make what you like, with the combos that you like and whatever quantities you desire.

 For my fresh fruit combo the other day I has some carrot sticks, a few apple slices, grapes, cherries and it was delicious. My favorite component of that breakfast was the cherries, they were so sweet and complimented the rest of the plate so nicely. Feel free to mix and match your favorite flavors as you like it, and don’t be scared of trying new things as I  have had to bring myself to doing recently.

Give it a Chance...

When I was younger, there were some foods that I just generally stayed away from as I had decided that I didn’t like them. But then I grew older I  rediscovered them and found out how delicious they were. Yes, I had been missing out. That’s why I think it's always a good idea to try new things especially when it comes to fruit and vegetables for breakfast ideas.

And with fruit and vegetables you have so much variety. I personally don’t think you can ever get bored. There are so many forms to have them in and so many different types, even of the same fruit  (like apples and grapes for example). So be brave and get out there. If you need some inspiration for fresh fruit for breakfast, I think it would be a good idea to visit a local market and see the range of fruits and vegetables they have on show. Pick out what you  fancy and research ways to prepare it. You'll soon discover that there are many wonderful ways to enjoy the fruit that you even thought to be quite basic.

Party in a Plate

So we've covered oatmeal, blueberries, pancakes, strawberries, and a plate of fruit and vegetables.That brings me to a related point. Fruit salad!

Fruit salads are like a party in a plate. They are so much fun to create and are juicy which makes them different from just any breakfast idea.Just chop up your chosen fruit into little bite- sized chunks and mix them all up in a bowl. I like to add a bit of fresh fruit juice to my fruit salads to make them even yummier.  

A couple tablespoons of juices like apple juice or orange will do, but if you happen to have some tropical juices that will give your fruit salad a brilliant kick.

Ooh that is just making me hungry now, the thought of fresh fruit with a concoction of pineapple, grapefruit and mango juice. Simply wonderful.

It is quite amazing how fruit salads are pretty simple things if you think about it. I mean there is not really much work required in putting one together, yet the flavors that come out of them are just extraordinary.

Nutella, Banana on toast <3

Whatever season you're in, there are always ways to add some fruit to your breakfast.  Another wonderful way to add some fresh fruit for breakfast is on toast toppings.

I just love myself a warm piece of toast in the morning, lightly spread with some nutella or jam and then with a bit of fruit on the top.  Wholemeal toasted bread, nutella, and a banana chopped and arranged on top is one of my favourite ways to enjoy fruit on toast.

The flavours complement each other brilliantly. And this is a breakfast combination that will leave you feeling fuller for longer. The wholemeal bread plays  a key role in this and the potassium and other goodness in the banana, will give you a burst energy that you need for your day.

It is a win win option.

A Bit on the Savoury Side

Another breakfast that I like,is toast with a dash of sliced avocado and a half -boiled egg. This is quite a different texture and idea from the breakfast ideas mentioned above but absolutely just as good.

This breakfast is brilliant when you are looking for a healthy savoury breakfast. The egg is so appetizing and the fresh avocado just adds another brilliant level and depth of flavor. You should definitely try it!

Smoothie Sensation

And before I forget- a breakfast idea that is gaining so much popularity - green smoothies. Green smoothies are a yummy nutrient packed type of breakfast, and a way to stock up on those greens that you may shun if they were in any other form. Haha well that's me. The benefits of smoothies with kale, fresh fruit and other vegetables are abundant. And green smoothies are a great breakfast idea for those on the go too.

Thanks for reading page on ideas on fresh fruit for breakfast. Stick around and check out some of my other food relating pages in the navigation bar for more interesting ideas.

Happy Breakfasting!

Roli Edema.


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