7 Best Emotional Intelligence Courses to Experience Online

Here are the best emotions intelligence courses online to provide you with empowering strategies and insights for everyday life.

7 Best Emotional Intelligence Courses to Experience Online

Emotional intelligence really makes all the difference when it comes to our wellbeing and interactions with others.

It helps us think clearly and act with restraint when people say or do things that don't feel quite right. 

It also helps us make sense of internal and external conditions, so we can make good decisions without being clouded by emotions.

Here are the best emotional intelligence courses to empower individuals from all walks of life. 

When we learn to understand and effectively manage our emotions, we move one step closer to becoming the best version of ourselves.

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What are the Best Emotional Intelligence Courses Online?

Here are the best emotional intelligence courses to enroll in online:

1. Emotional Intelligence at Work: Learn from Your Emotions (Udemy)

Without an accurate understanding of your EQ and how it impacts your work life, you’ll be missing out on one of the most important ways to improve yourself at work and stand out from the crowd.

Emotional Intelligence at Work is a course that helps you recognize the subtle social cues you may be missing in the workplace, so you can enjoy better professional relationships and move your career forward.

In this course, you will:

  • Discover why EQ is so important for your career

  • Create a list of your hot buttons - the things that drive you crazy at work
  • Discover when your frustration may cause you to say or do the wrong thing
  • Focus on strategic thinking and avoid being hijacked by a “gut” reaction brought on by low emotional intelligence

  • Exercise self-control yet also express yourself passionately and authentically

Using a combination of quizzes, checklists, activities, worksheets, you’ll learn to identify situations where a lower EQ can hurt your career, while discovering practical steps that you can use to raise it. 

Key course features: 

  • 1 hour on-demand video
  • 9 downloadable resources
  • 1 practice test
  • Full lifetime access
  • Access on mobile and TV
  • Certificate of completion
  • NASBA CPE credits: 1.8

=> Enroll in the Emotional Intelligence at Work online course here.

2. Psychological First Aid (John Hopkins University)

Emotional intelligence is particularly important in crisis situations, where individuals may have injuries and trauma that are beyond those physical in nature.

This online course by John Hopkins University shows you how to provide psychological first aid to people in an emergency by employing the RAPID model:

  • Reflective listening
  • Assessment of needs
  • Prioritization
  • Intervention
  • Disposition

This model has been found effective in promoting personal and community resilience in various scenarios, including public health settings, mass disaster venues, and the aftermath of accidents.

In the course, students will increase their abilities to: 

  • Discuss key concepts related to PFA
  • Listen reflectively
  • Identify different types of crisis reactions
  • Prioritize psychological/ behavioral crisis reactions 
  • Mitigate acute distress and dysfunction
  • Recognize when to facilitate access to further mental health support 
  • Practice self-care 

Course Syllabus: 

Week 1: Introduction

Week 2: Reflective Listening/Rapport

Week 3: Assessment and Prioritization 

Week 4: Intervention and Disposition 

Week 5: Self-Care and Wrap-Up 

Key course features: 

Shareable Certificate

  • Earn a Certificate upon completion.

100% online

  • Start instantly and learn at your own schedule.

Flexible deadlines

  • Reset deadlines in accordance with your schedule.

Approx. 6 hours to complete

=> Enroll in the Psychological First Aid Online Course here

3. Emotional Intelligence: Master Anxiety, Fear, & Emotions (Udemy)

There are some common myths that are circulated about emotions:  

  • Emotions are bad or that we’re not supposed to express them  
  • We should trust them - trust our gut - but, wait, no - emotions are irrational and shouldn’t be trusted  
  • Emotions are something that happens TO us and, therefore, they’re outside of our control

However, the truth is that you can control your emotional state - much like astronauts learn to control their mind, emotions and body in order to handle the extreme stress of living in space. 

This Udemy course will give you the tools to recognize negative emotions while they’re happening, identify the triggers that cause the emotion, and overcome the emotion. 

The course focuses on three of the most undesirable emotions - uncertainty, anxiety, fear - and how you can use emotional awareness and self-control techniques to improve your mood. 

You will learn:  

  • What emotions are and how they work  
  • How to direct your thoughts and emotions  
  • How to develop feelings of self-confidence and certainty 
  • Emotional Intelligence techniques for stress reduction, to make every day more enjoyable  
  • Emotional Intelligence techniques for de-escalating anxiety and fear  
  • NLP (neuro linguistic programming) techniques to rewire emotional reactions and anchor positive emotions  

Key course features:

  • 6.5 hours on-demand video
  • 3 articles
  • 28 downloadable resources
  • Full lifetime access
  • Access on mobile and TV
  • Certificate of completion

=> Enroll in the Master Your Emotions online course here

4. 21 Day Crash Course in Emotional Intelligence (Udemy)

This online course by psychologist and author Dr. Patricia Thompson will help you transform your relationships at home and at work by increasing your emotional intelligence. 

The course includes 3 hours of video, is designed to take 21 days, and is presented in easily digested highly actionable lessons, with daily homework assignments, and a downloadable workbook.

Students will learn to: 

  • Define emotional intelligence and explain why it is so important for success in all sorts of relationships
  • Identify the four aspects that compose emotional intelligence
  • Increase their level of self-awareness and empathy by learning about individual personality types 
  • Develop better relationships through stronger communication and an enhanced ability to manage conflict

Course Syllabus: 

  • Introduction to the Course
  • Overview of Emotional Intelligence
  • Self-Awareness
  • Self-Management
  • Social Awareness
  • Relationship Management

Key course features:

  • 3.5 hours on-demand video
  • 4 downloadable resources
  • Full lifetime access
  • Access on mobile and TV
  • Certificate of completion

By the end of this emotional intelligence course, you will have gained vital tools to understand and manage your emotions, influence and motivate others, and experience deeper, more fulfilling relationships.

=> Enroll in the 21 Day Crash Course in Emotional Intelligence here

5. Managing Emotions in Times of Uncertainty & Stress (Yale University)

This course by Yale University is one of the best emotional intelligence courses online for school staff, including teachers, counselors, principals, and non-teaching staff in preK-12 schools. 

The comprehensive syllabus is designed to provide participants with the knowledge, skills, and strategies to understand and manage their emotions and those of their students.

Participants will learn to: 

  • Educate school staff in the science and impact of stress
  • Provide school staff with the opportunity to build and apply social and emotional skills and strategies
  • Offer strategies for helping students to identify and manage their emotions
  • Provide resources and ideas that are relevant during times of heightened stress and uncertainty

Course Syllabus: 

  • Week 1: Introduction to SEL and Why Emotions Matter
  • Week 2: Identifying Our Emotions
  • Week 3: Managing Our Own Emotions with Action Strategies
  • Week 4: Managing Emotions by Shifting How We Think
  • Week 5: Becoming a Culturally Responsive Emotion Scientist
  • Week 6: Identifying Others' Emotions
  • Week 7: Helping Others Manage Emotions
  • Week 8: Making a Commitment to Lasting Change

Key course features:

Shareable Certificate

  • Earn a Certificate upon completion

100% online

  • Start instantly and learn at your own schedule.

Flexible deadlines

  • Reset deadlines in accordance with your schedule.

Beginner Level

Approx. 10 hours to complete

The strategies in this course expand beyond the school curriculum, providing you with useful mental health and self-assurance practices that you can implement in your daily routine. 

=> Enroll in the Managing Emotions course by Yale University here.

6. Emotional Intelligence Mastery - Powerful Cognitive Control (Udemy)

This short course by personal development and transformation expert Mayez El Merhbi will show you how to use emotional intelligence techniques to create a healthy mind and a spectacular life.

You'll learn how to: 

  • Rewire negative personality traits effectively
  • Control and manage your past memories and traumatic experiences
  • Use 20+ emotional intelligence exercises and systems to empower your emotional and mental state
  • Achieve greater control over your habits, thoughts, emotions and actions
  •  Manage mental health issues with effective research-based systems

Key course features: 

  • 42 mins on-demand video
  • Full lifetime access
  • Access on mobile and TV
  • Certificate of completion

=> Enroll in the Emotional Intelligence Mastery Udemy course here

7. Personality Types at Work (University of Florida)

Personality Types at Work is a course that teaches you how to improve your people skills by leveraging personality and emotional intelligence in the workplace. 

You'll learn to increase your understanding of the major stakeholders that influence your job success, including yourself, your team, your manager, and your organization as a whole. 

This course addresses three main roles:

  • Job Seeker
  • Team Member
  • Manager

Job Seeker: You will create a cover letter and learn how to develop exceptional responses to some of the most common, yet challenging interview questions. 

Team Member: You will develop an action plan to confront your personality weaknesses and highlight your strengths so you can ace your annual review. 

Manager: You will create an effective action plan for an employee, team, or organization based on your new knowledge of personality types. You'll also create a 360 degree review plan to better identify your strengths and weaknesses. 

Course Syllabus: 

  • Week 1: Get In: Know yourself
  • Week 2: Get Ahead: Know others
  • Week 3: Rise Above the Rest: Moving from "them" to "us"

Key course features: 

Shareable Certificate

  • Earn a Certificate upon completion.

100% online

  • Start instantly and learn at your own schedule.

Flexible deadlines

  • Reset deadlines in accordance with your schedule.

Beginner Level

Approx. 21 hours to complete

=> Enroll in the Personality Types at Work online course here

Final Thoughts

Thanks for checking out this article on the best emotional intelligence courses to experience online.

Of course, the course(s) you choose to enroll in will depend on your particular situation and learning goals. 

These courses will introduce you to new ways of dealing with tense circumstances involving strong emotions and personality types. As we've all probably experienced, these circumstances can seem to suddenly come out of nowhere and throw us off guard!

When you learn practical techniques to control your emotional reactions, you'll gain an advantage that will truly set you apart in your personal and professional life. 


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