It’s easy to develop an unhealthy obsession with perfection. Here are the best books for perfectionists who want to stress less and live more.
Here’s the ironic thing about perfectionism:
Just because you spend time agonizing about things being perfect, it doesn’t make them any more likely to turn out perfect.
So you might as well just stop worrying in the first place...
But I get it, it’s definitely easier said than done.
With this in mind, here is a list of the best books for perfectionists who are looking to relax and enjoy life a bit more.
These books will help you realize everything you're missing out on by nitpicking every little detail in your daily environment, so you can instead just do your best, and forget the rest!
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Here are the best books on overcoming perfectionism that every perfectionist should read:
From an early age, we are all taught to colour inside the take care to make things look as perfect as possible.
However, in everyday life, it's only natural that things won't always be perfect. In fact, we thrive when we have space to make mistakes and explore the infinite possibilities around us.
How to be an Imperfectionist is a book that's all about living outside the lines. It shows you how you can gradually and effortlessly let go of perfectionism by implementing highly strategic and empowering "mini actions”.
As you read, you'll discover the science of behaviour modification and how you can use it to directly address the roots of perfectionism.
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The Gifts of Imperfection is a New York Times bestseller that was named by Forbes magazine as one of "Five Books That Will Actually Change Your Outlook On Life."
In this book, social scientist Brené Brown shows us how to release our definitions of an “imperfect” life and start living authentically.
She presents ten guideposts or benchmarks, to help us understand the practices that will allow us to find beauty in everything, even the people we were yesterday.
In a world where insults, criticisms, and fears are spread too generously alongside messages of unrealistic beauty, attainment, and expectation, this book provides a refreshing, inspirational message.
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When trying to overcome perfectionism, it's easy to be too hard on yourself and fall into the same traps that keep you feeling stressed and disappointed.
This book provides a revolutionary approach to managing perfectionism, through practical steps that will help you build resilience, turn negative thoughts into positive ones, and develop optimism.
This is one of the best books for perfectionists of all types - whether children or adults - because it translates the latest research on goal setting, perseverance, mindset, and habits into easily digestible tips.
Read this book: get hard copy on amazon
There are pros and cons to being a perfectionist. But overall, the cons outweigh the pros. Why?
Because being constantly anxious about details can hold you back and keep you from reaching your full potential.
When Perfect Isn't Good Enough is a book that's based on proven cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) strategies for overcoming perfectionism.
Not only will you find coping skills for overcoming your anxiety about making mistakes, you'll also discover tips for dealing with other perfectionists and learn about how perfectionism is linked to worry, depression, anger, social anxiety, and body image.
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Talking about cognitive behavioural therapy, here's a hand-on, evidence-based workbook that's designed to help you develop a more balanced and healthy perspective on perfectionism.
As you progress through the exercises, you’ll identify the causes of your perfectionism and the ways it is negatively impacting your life.
Rather than measuring your self-worth by productivity and accomplishments, you'll learn to prioritize the things that really matter to you and demonstrate compassion in the way you treat yourself and others.
If you’re ready to break free from the pressure of self-inflicted expectations and start living a richer, fuller life - this workbook will help you get started.
Read this book: get hard copy on amazon
If you're a perfectionist, you've probably experienced the emotional turmoil that comes with trying to control the future, satisfy everyone, and feeling that you are failing at both.
In Too Perfect, Dr. Allan Mallinger draws on twenty years of observations from his private practice to show how perfectionism can sap our energy, complicate even the simplest decisions, and take the enjoyment out of life.
The book includes revealing self-tests, fascinating case histories, and practical strategies to help individuals reassess their obsessive need for perfection before the cost becomes too high.
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According to New York Times bestselling author Tal Ben-Shahar, the pursuit of perfection may actually be one of the greatest obstacles to finding happiness.
In this book, he reveals cutting-edge research in the field of positive psychology to explain the consequences of pursuing perfection, while simultaneously presenting the roadmap to a more fulfilling destination.
By sharing vivid examples of the lessons that failure and painful emotions can teach us, Ben-Shahar offers an optimal way of thinking about failure and success.
Ultimately, he provides readers with an important reminder: You don't have to be perfect to be perfectly happy!
Read this book: get hard copy on amazon | get the free audiobook
Every minute you spend reading books on perfectionism is a minute well spent, because the principles you learn will contribute to your overall happiness and wellbeing.
Even if you don't consider yourself an extreme perfectionist, these books will help you see the bigger picture and get your priorities in check, so you can spend your time and energy in a meaningful way.
=> You can get a free audiobook of your choice here.
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