How to Overcome
Your Fear Of Public Speaking

how to overcome your fear of public speaking

Public speaking is something we will all have to do at sometime in our lives. Whether we are at school delivering a class presentation, participating in a public speaking competition or sharing ideas at a meeting at work.

However, many of us suffer from stage fright. We may be terrified of speaking or performing in front of others- strangers or not. This causes people to avoid public speaking as much as possible. How can you overcome these fears of public speaking? This page will explain.

Public Speaking | An Amazing Opportunity

Public speaking is a great opportunity to share something of value- that means something to you -with your audience.

Therefore, to succeed, you have to keep focused on the message you are trying to present, not on yourself or your worries.

If you present something of essence, which you really believe in, your nervousness will easily disappear. The more inspired you are about your message, the less worried you will be about yourself.

Just Talking...

 Moreover, think of your speech as conversation instead of a performance. It’s just talking- something you do all the time!

Try to connect with your audience as individuals, not as a large group, as you would in normal conversation. At times, the message might call for formal and serious tone.

However, at other times it is appropriate to smile and just relax. The more conversational your approach, the more relaxed you’ll be.

Dealing with the Nerves

A main reason why people dread public speaking is nervousness that the audience will judge them. They fear that they will make a fool of themselves or look stupid, leading to embarrassment.

The truth is audiences usually have a positive outlook towards each presentation. So have a positive mind set too. View them as your friends- they want you to succeed. At first, you may feel anxious but even so, the audience will empathize with you.

Nervousness - Not always Negative!

Of course, keep in mind that nervousness is not always bad. There are two types. Nervousness from not preparing well and nervousness that makes you want to perform your best. The aim is to control your nerves, but not get rid of them completely.

The positive kind of nervousness just shows you care about your speech. As you start your speech, you may experience a rush of apprehension and nerves.

However, if you can control your nerves, they will soon disappear. You may find that that initial nervous energy aids a brilliant performance.

Use these tips and you will be able to overcome your fear of public speaking. Feel free to return to this page as often as you need to booster up confidence for a performance. Remember, it is all about your attitude. With the right outlook-you can be an amazing public speaker.

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