6 Satisfying Ways to Stop Worrying


The ugly word that stops us from sleeping at night. Let's end it - with 6 Satisfying Ways to Stop Worrying.

6 Satisfying Ways to Stop Worrying About It All

1. Bite the Bullet You Fear

Biting the Bullet is one of the top ways to stop worrying.

Flow Chart Ways To Stop Worrying

If you have a task that bothers you, often the best way to stop worrying is to face your fear and get it done. This is pretty much the most practical way to deal with worries that are tied to procrastination and factors you know you can control.

After all, If you know that you can do something about it, then what's stopping you? 

Direct that nervous energy into eliminating the worry.

Although it might seem daunting, if it is within your power and capabilities do whatever it is that scares you, then you should do it, and relieve yourself of further stress.

  • Taking action is the most effective technique here.
  • Not only will your anxiety decrease this way, you are also dealing with the root cause by working on the issue head-on.

You'll be proud of yourself as you conquer the worry, and this means that next time when conflict shows its ugly head - to panic won't be your first reaction.

You will be able to think logically and use your problem solving skills to tackle the next issue and move on.

Your Imagination Can Create Problems That Do Not Currently Exist.

2. Ask Yourself:
'Will My Worries Be Relevant, this time next week?'

Honestly, this is my favourite way to stop myself from worrying needlessly.

The big questions here are:

How urgent and desperate is this really?

Will my worry be relevant this time next week?

As we discussed in this post, a lot of the things we work ourselves up about are so temporary.

They come, and before we realize it, they are gone.

So then, to worry so much is at the very least, a waste of time.

For instance, are you worried about an upcoming public speaking assignment?

Before you go any further with that worry, think about this:

How long is the speech?

Five Minutes? Ten Minutes?

Even a Thirty Minute Speech is quite tiny compared to the time ahead of you, the whole rest of the week, the rest of the month.

Before long, that public speaking assignment will become only a vague memory.

So is it really worth stressing, weeping.... hyperventilating over?

Ways to Stop Worrying - Where Does Worry Get You?

3. Distract Yourself with work or play

Number Three of some top ways to stop worrying is to distract yourself.

  • Be so completely encompassed in living a fulfilling life, that you don't really have the chance to sit and muse over your worries.

For some, this can come in the form of play.

Go out, take a walk and spend time with friends by being active.

Take a break and escape. Go against your natural tendency to sit in a ball and sulk when you feel worries looming over you.

  • Some people are naturally good at distracting themselves from stressful situations by spending time doing what they actually love, carefree.

However others who find this challenging, may prefer to distract themselves by working hard- at something completely unrelated to their worry.

  • If this is you and you find it hard to relax in such a situation, immerse yourself in something totally productive, which can put you at ease and help you find contentment.
  • Achieve something great - work on a  project so amazing-  that you subconsciously remove worries from your mind. There's no room.

This technique means that you are forced to focus your energies somewhere else - on making an impact, or making memories.

Ways to Stop Worrying - Do Something About It - Don't Lose Sleep

4. Write it all.

Even the most complicated problems will look a lot better when written down.

  • Pour out your thoughts. Scribble down all your concerns on a piece of paper and see your mind.
  • Many times, this will result in a realization that the problem was no where near as big as you thought it was.
  • After all, it's difficult to keep so many things on your mind, it can be burdensome to keep them all contained up there.

Don't be afraid, write it all down and then you will be able to move ahead onto a solution.

Many people have admitted that after writing down their concerns, their problems have appeared to be 'silly' and 'completely manageable' - the same worry that at first appeared to be menacing.

  • Whether this means writing it out in a journal or troubleshooting on a post-it note, it will instantly lessen the weight of the problem on your mind. And  the greatest reward?
  •  When you discover that the problem can be overcome, the only thing left to do is tear up the piece of paper, and do away with that nagging worry.

5. Know that Most of Our Worries are Imaginary Situations

Ways to Stop Worrying - Ask yourself : "Is my worry Imaginary?"

The above quote is perhaps the best way to explain a lot of the worries we find ourselves worrying about. They don't actually all exist.

Granted, we do have genuine worries sometimes. High pressure and demanding present situations.

But it is also true that many times we allow our imaginations to run too wild.

  • We overwork our brain by over-analyzing things and trying to predict future situations.
  • We tend to call ourselves failures even before we start, by needlessly worrying about imaginary events.

We come up with all the possible scenarios that could go wrong, and feed our mind with scare and uncertainty. 

Next time you find yourself really bothered by something, ask yourself: 'Is this happening now? 'Is this a real problem?' 

'Or I am overthinking?'

Calm yourself by reassuring yourself that the 'worry' in question is not currently relevant, and then let yourself breathe.

Let yourself live.

6. Worrying is good for you; said no-one ever.

Bad News: Worrying Does Nothing For You...

The absolute worst part of worrying is that it achieves nothing.

It does nothing for you; for all the effort you put into it.

So a good way to stop worrying is to ask yourself; 'Is it worth all this stressing?'' 'What do I get out of this?'

The fact is, as the bible says, 'each day will bring its own troubles'. There is no way you can totally avoid stressful situations, and you fail to develop needed resilience if you try to.

The best ways to stop worrying involve taking each new day as it comes, then taking delight in each of the mini victories that you experience everyday. Victories against those negative emotions that seek to trap you. 

  • Each time you stop worry in its tracks, be proud of yourself and give yourself a pat of the back. Keep up that pattern.

  • Worrying excessively is not good for your health, and it will not lengthen your life either.
  • Worrying excessively will eventually make you feel depressed all the time, because you realize that there are so many things beyond your control, and this can make you very downhearted if you aren't cautious.

Rather than spending minutes of your life worrying and worrying, why not try out the above tips and mindset shifts, and see how it goes?

Thanks for reading this post on ways to stop worrying; at night, and worrying and stressing so much in general.

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